What can YOU do with Olive Oil?

Copyright: looby / 123RF Stock Photo We’re mostly familiar with olive oil as a cooking fat, and maybe as a useful beauty product – but this versatile oil has its place in the home too…just check out these nifty tips and you’ll soon be convinced! Wood furniture polish Olive oil makes a fine, light oil for wood that can help restore its moisture content and keep it looking shiny and new. You can use it as an alternative to heavier oils surfaces like teak and especially on light coloured woods. Prevent sticky messes Olive oil is a great alternative to butter and cooking spray as it helps ensure that sticky mixes come free from your baking pans and mixing bowls. Ease a stuck zipper A light dab of olive oil helps lubricate a stuck zipper. If you have continuous issues with the same zip, try rubbing a candle up both sides of teeth to help prevent this recurring. Shine brass and steel Yes, you can also use a light polish of olive oil to keep stainless steel and brass looking great…and rust free. Remove paint from skin As any female DIYer knows, there’s nothing worse for your skin than having to scrub and scrub at stuck paint after a job – except having to resort to turps and other harsh chemicals. Rather try some olive oil first…it’s even good for your skin! Shoe polish Whilst it works best on leather and natural shoe fabrics, olive oil can even bring a beautiful shine to patent leather too. Have you tried any of these great new uses before? Be sure to let us know!

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