The World's Mosts-biggest tongue, longest nail, women with four legs...

Romanie Smith, a 20-year-old British model, is addicted to girdles. She wears extreme tights for 6 hours a day, and finally creates a stunning 1-foot-3 waist, but it is still a little more than the world record. click to view image

Kseniya Bubenko, born in Russia. She is 158 cm tall and weighs only 20 kg. It is the thinnest woman in the world.
Jody is an 18-year-old student in India. She is the shortest woman in the world. It has been recorded by Guinness that she is 62.8 cm tall. Jorti suffers from cartilage dysplasia which can be seen in one person from one to five million to view image

American singer Kris Wharton has the longest nail in the world today. She has never cut her nails in the past 18 years, and now her total nail length has reached 20 feet (about 6 meters). Amazingly, such a long nail did not affect her life at to view image

The four-legged girl has a world Guinness record and is the only adult four-legged woman in the world.
The woman with the longest tongue in the world was German Anika Irmler. Her tongue was 2.76 inches (7 cm) long when she was a to view image

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